Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Mishebeyrach for the Dodgers

This is incomplete and poorly written, I need to shower, and the Dodgers are 0-2 in a 3-of-5 game series so this is going to take a prayer and a miracle. Here’s the prayer.

He who blessed Gibby in ’88, may he bless those who are vested in the blue and white, Thy glorious colors. They that dwell in a city which invokes Your heavenly host, the City of Angels, look to Thee in supplication to grant victory to their battles against the enemy on the other side of the Great [Mississippi] River. May the Holy One grant salvation to the Los Angeles Dodgers, partularly reinforce their endgame and protect them from choking, as it is written, “In the Big Inning” (Genesis 1:1). He who has compassion on bride and bridegroom, as it is written “voices of happiness, voices of joy, voice of the bridegroom, voice of the bride”, may God be compassionate to those known as the Brooklyn Bridegrooms. May their bride be the victory of the world [series]. Crown their efforts with victory and may they persevere over "the dead ones" (Mets).

v’NOMAR Amen!

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